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Modernism – The Creation of Nation-States

18.900 Ft
Cikkszám: 978-963-732-661-5
Elérhetőség: RENDELHETŐ

Leírás és Paraméterek

This is the first part of the third volume of the four-volume series, a daring project of CEU Press, presenting the most important texts that triggered and shaped the processes of nation-building in the many countries of Central and Southeast Europe. The aim is to confront ‘mainstream’ and seemingly successful national discourses with each other, thus creating a space for analyzing those narratives of identity which became institutionalized as “national canons.”

The 59 texts in this volume present and illustrate the development of the ideologies of nation states, the “modern” successors of former empires. They exemplify the use modernist ideological framaeworks, from liberalism to socialism, in the context of the fundamental reconfiguration of the political system in this part of Europe between the 1860s and the 1930s. It also gives a panorama of the various solutions proposed for the national question in the region.

Why, modernism and not modernity? Modernity implies the West, while modernism was the product of the periphery. The editors use it in a stricter sense, giving it a place between romanticism and anti-modernism, spanning from the 1860s until the decade following World War I.

Műfaj eszmetörténet
ISBN 978-963-732-661-5
Alcím Texts and Commentaries
Sorozat Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1770–1945). III/1.
Szerkesztő Ahmet Ersoy – Maciej Górny – Vangelis Kechriotis
Kiadó Central European University Press
Kiadás éve 2010
Kötés típusa Keménytábla védőborítóval
Oldalszám 486
Nyelv angol
Méret B5 165 x 235
Tömeg 850 g