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Arguing it out

3.600 Ft
Cikkszám: 978-963-386-111-0
Elérhetőség: RENDELHETŐ

Leírás és Paraméterek

The long twelfth century, from the seizure of the throne by Alexius I Comnenus in 1081, to the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in 1204, is a period recognized as fostering the most brilliant cultural development in Byzantine history, especially in its literary production. It was a time of intense creativity as well as of rising tensions, and one for which literary approaches are a lively area in current scholarship. This study focuses on the prose dialogues in Greek from this period – of very varying kinds – and on what they can tell us about the society and culture of an era when western Europe was itself developing a new culture of schools, universities, and scholars. Yet it was also the period in which Byzantium felt the fateful impact of the Crusades, which ended with the momentous sack of Constantinople in 1204. Despite revisionist attempts to play down the extent of this disaster, it was a blow from which, arguably, the Byzantines never fully recovered.

Műfaj kultúrtörténet
ISBN 978-963-386-111-0
ISSN 1996-1197
Alcím Discussion in Twelfth-Century Byzantium
Sorozat The Natalie Zemon Davis Annual Lectures
Kiadó Central European University Press
Kiadás éve 2016
Kötés típusa Füles kartonált
Oldalszám 235
Nyelv angol
Méret A5 142 x 200
Tömeg 326 g