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A Tibeto-Mongolian Picture-book of Hell

4.700 Ft
Cikkszám: 978-963-567-043-7
Elérhetőség: RENDELHETŐ

Leírás és Paraméterek

In this book we present a xylograph edition based on the three copies kept in Hungary. Nearly the entire text of the blockprint was taken over from the Kanjur: T. ‘Phags-pa dam-pa’i chos dran-pa nye-bar gzhag-pa mentioned in the Mongolian texts as Dranbanyershag. M. Qutuy-tu degedü-yin nom-i duradqui oyir-a ayulqui, Skr. Árya-saddharmánusmétyupasthána. Some parts were taken from other sources: the Vinayavastu, T. Dul-ba gzhi, the ‘Jangs-blun and the Lam-rim.
The description and illustration of hell is popular all around the world, many early representations appear in India (cf. the Garuda-purána), and also in Buddhism, most popular being the bhavacakra, (T. srid-pa’i khor-lo), the illustration of the six realms of existence in which living beings can be incamated. One of them is hell. The symbolic representation of possible births forms a circle. Among Buddhist seriptures it appears first in Divyávadána, probably based on an early Vinaya text. In European literature hell-descriptions go back to ancient times, but the most popular is the Divina Commedia written later, in 1310–1314, by Dante Alighieri.

Műfaj néprajz
ISBN 978-963-567-043-7
ISSN 1785-8569
Sorozat Treasures of Mongolian Culture and Tibeto-Mongolian Buddhism 5.
Szerkesztő Zsolt Szilágyi
Kiadó Institute of Ethnology Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Kiadás éve 2010
Kötés típusa Puhatáblás / Kartonált
Oldalszám 398
Nyelv angol, mongol
Méret A4 205 x 287
Tömeg 1243 g